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Our Approach 

Engaging Suppliers + Workers at Scale to Drive Long Term Sustainable Change 


Traditional Social Compliance Programs Don't Work.

Workers Remain Vulnerable. 
Brands Remain at Risk. 

Group 685.png

Suppliers are Audited

Group 686.png

of Audits are Falsified

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Improvement from Audits Over 7 Years

We Connect + Support Stakeholders to Drive Mutually Beneficial Change

Defining the "S" in ESG

Every company’s first social responsibility is to their employees. Creating long-term sustainable change in supply chain human rights requires every stakeholder to take responsibility + ownership. Too often social impact teams get distracted and forget about their biggest impact. Labor Solutions strives to help refocus companies and drive long term impact.

Engage workers + suppliers, to gather transparent + accurate data 

Global + local support to build trust + ownership 

Systems, not Issues, focused

We Don’t Commoditize or Weaponize Worker Voice.
We Empower Workers + Suppliers.

Supplier Self- Governance is a Journey. Let Us Help.

Read More from Our Team of Experts

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