Labor Solutions’ Worker Survey technology was designed specifically for complex supply chains. Flexible deployment methods and aggregated data sets allows for companies sourcing from a diverse set of suppliers to deploy a multilingual survey to all workers and collect comparable and aggregate data sets quickly. Buyers are able to track data by supplier, country and globally to better understand worker needs. Reports are instantly shared with suppliers to help them quickly address concerns.

In September, on behalf of adidas, Labor Solutions deployed a worker pulse survey to 350,000 workers in 125 factories in 17 countries and languages at once. Workers were given four weeks to respond. adidas was able to collect nearly 70,000 responses from workers.
The adidas worker pulse survey results in an Employee Net Promotor Score (eNPS) for each individual supplier. Both adidas and the factories us the score better understand work sentiment, engagement and wellbeing. The survey is planned to be sent to workers every six months and results are used by the suppliers and adidas to better capture workers' satisfaction levels and determine improvement opportunities.
The eNPS is central to adidas' worker empowerment program and the scores contribute to the adidas social compliance key performance indicator (CKPI). Hearing directly from workers allows adidas to have a more holistic view of supplier performance and ensure worker safety and wellbeing throughout their supply chain.
About Labor Solutions
Labor Solutions, an impact-focused business, leverages technology to connect, engage and educate workers to build resilient supply chains. Over a million and a half workers in 25 countries have access to Labor Solutions’ worker engagement platform, WOVO. Workers can respond to worker surveys, report grievances and access eLearning modules on rights and responsibilities.