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24 New eLearning Courses Launched in 2022 by Labor Solutions and Key Industry Partners

Knowledge is power. For workers and other vulnerable people in global supply chains, the first step to empowerment is knowing what their rights are and how to exercise them. The lack of awareness about fundamental rights and responsibilities in the workplace has resulted in workers not being able to take necessary steps to safeguard their rights and wellbeing or to respond to risks. Labor Solutions sees eLearning as an integral part of reaching our goals to improve conditions for workers, and to making our other products (surveys and grievance tools) more effective.

Workers access our eLearning courses and our partners' courses through our WOVO application and web-based platform, also available through workplace kiosks, tablets and computer labs. From the same platforms they can also access other tools from their employer, like worker surveys, key human resources information and Connect, a grievance and communication platform. The all-in-one platform provides workers with a holistic solution and makes it easier for them to quickly apply their learnings.

Labor Solutions takes a worker-centric approach to eLearning, using our team of professional instructional designers, tech experts and UX designers to create an engaging, interactive learning journey in bite-sized pieces that workers can access easily from any device, and can digest quickly and effectively.

We have courses for workers on physical + emotional wellbeing, including nutrition and stress management, as well as workplace safety topics such as fire safety, grievance tools, and effective communication.

We also have a suite of courses for managers to help ensure, from line managers and supervisors to corporate office leadership, there is a consistent understanding of responsible business practices, proactive safety and risk management, and knowledge of new supplier obligations such as human rights due diligence.

Our online courses are developed in partnership with the top experts and international organizations, and represent the best, most effective way to ensure knowledge of rights and responsibilities throughout your supply chains.

In 2022 alone, we launched over 24 new eLearning lessons with topics ranging from Responsible Recruitment to Gender Equity and Fair Working Conditions.

These lessons are available in at least five languages: Simplified Chinese, Vietnamese, Khmer, and English. Many of our most in-demand lessons are also already translated into Thai, Burmese, Nepalese and Spanish and we are happy to provide additional languages as needed for a minimal fee.

We are very proud to have launched a course on Fair Working Conditions, which brings workers an introduction to dos and don’ts around important workplace rights topics such as contracts, recruitment, harassment, social dialogue, and fair pay.

All modules of the course consist of core content built on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, explained clearly and incorporating examples and dialogue to help workers contextualize their rights and how to deal with difficult situations.

Our other eLearning collaborations include:

We are also building a library of content on common workplace issues to support both workers and managers at all levels to be constructive and proactive in their approach to common concerns and complaints.

Workers have high levels of completion of our virtual workshops because of our responsive and interactive design, and we look forward to launching more sessions on topics that are important for your compliance needs, and to build better workplace culture, for happier, more productive workers.

Collaborate with Us, Reach More Workers + Amplify Your Message

At Labor Solutions we are always looking to help digitize and amplify leading industry content from partners around the world. If you have content you'd like digitized please reach out to Jen Green, our Sr. Director of Content and Partnerships, to learn more about how we can collaborate.


About Labor Solutions

Labor Solutions, an impact-focused business, leverages technology to connect, engage and educate workers to build resilient supply chains. Over a million and a half workers in 25 countries have access to Labor Solutions’ worker engagement platform, WOVO.

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