In 2021, almost 28 million people were in forced labor worldwide, highlighting the prevalence of exploitative conditions and the importance of addressing forced labor in supply chains. With more countries passing laws to ban products made with forced labor, it is critical for global companies to proactively address this issue within the value chain or risk facing financial and legal liabilities or import bands.
Education is a key step in the prevention and identification of forced labor. Sari, an Indonesian migrant worker in Malaysia, was recruited through a distant relative. The work required enduring meager pay and harsh conditions for the first year. But she believed this to be a normal rite of passage and hoped for improvement in the next year. Caught in this cycle, she even unknowingly perpetuated the misconception to her own family members.
In many cases even hiring managers may also lack awareness of ethical considerations and downplaying labor rights due to inadequate knowledge, cultural norms, and workplace pressures. Addressing these gaps in awareness among workers and line managers is essential to fostering a culture of respect for labor rights and ethical conduct within the supply chain.

In 2023, Labor Solutions released 20 new lessons, including two for managers and four for workers on responsible sourcing and preventing forced labor in their workplaces. These lessons aim to reduce risks throughout the supply chain by ensuring both workers and management teams know what forced and child labor is, what responsible recruitment is, and how to report incidents for effective prevention.
The Role of Managers in Preventing Forced Labor
The eLearning courses help managers eradicate forced and child labor from supply chains. They provide a practical understanding of regulations, best practices, and workers' rights. Managers can identify, prevent, and address human rights violations with the knowledge and skills gained from these two lessons.
• Introduction to Human Rights Due Diligence
• Introduction to Responsible Recruitment
Empowering Workers to Recognize + Report Forced Labor
The eLearning lessons for workers provide tools to recognize signs of forced labor and take appropriate action, created in collaboration with Better Work, RISE, and JustGoodWork,
• Fair Working Conditions
• Right to be Free from Forced Labor
• Responsible Recruitment for Workers
• Introduction to Grievance
By educating workers on their rights, workers are equipped with the knowledge of what is right or wrong. With WOVO Educate global companies can share training with workers throughout the value chain with one click.
Labor Solutions' WOVO Educate + Lessons
With accessibility, flexibility, and scalability at the core of Labor Solutions’ learning management system, WOVO Educate can reach managers and workers globally at any time. The micro-learning model saves time and bandwidth, enabling workers and managers to access responsive and targeted training. These interactive courses are designed to be engaging and effective, resulting in improved learning outcomes for participants.
The lesson contents are also designed in partnership with industry-leading organizations:
Better Work: A partnership between the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to set standards for working conditions and support workers through tripartite collaboration (governments – unions – business). Better Work provides in-country monitoring and advisory support to improve working conditions in the global apparel and footwear industry and make the sector more competitive.
RISE (Reimagining Industry to Support Equality): An initiative to support collaborative industry action at scale, to advance gender equality in global garment, footwear, and home textiles supply chains.
JustGoodWork & Fifty-Eight: An organization & mobile application that prioritizes supporting migrating workers and ensuring they have safe workplaces and access to their rights. Fifty-Eight uses data and evidence to advance public knowledge in providing good work for people everywhere, helping businesses align with their primary purpose in society: to provide products and services that are good for people.
As new regulations on supply chain human rights and responsible business conduct continue to evolve and tighten, businesses must stay ahead of the curve and ensure compliance throughout supply chains. Labor Solutions empowers managers and workers to become advocates for human rights through a collaborative approach and proven eLearning courses.